

Emailer class

The Emailer class wraps the System.Net.Mail objects SmtpClient and MailMessage

Using System
Using System.Net
Using System.Net.Mail 
Using System.Collections.Generic
Using System.IO 
Using System.Configuration

BegClass Emailer

Required properties to send email.

    DclProp SmtpServer  Type(*String) 
    DclProp SmtpPort    Type(*Integer4) 
    DclProp EnableSsl   Type(*Boolean) 
    DclProp User        Type(*String) Access(*Public) 
    DclProp Password    Type(*String) Access(*Public) 
    DclProp From        Type(*String) Access(*Public) 
    DclProp To          Type(List(*Of *String)) Access(*Public)
    DclProp Subject     Type(*String) Access(*Public) 
    DclProp Body        Type(*String) Access(*Public)

Secondary properties to send email.

    DclProp CC          Type(List(*Of *String)) Access(*Public)
    DclProp BCC         Type(List(*Of *String)) Access(*Public)    
    DclProp IsHtml      Type(*Boolean) Access(*Public) 
    DclProp IsImportant Type(*Boolean) Access(*Public) 
    DclProp Attachments Type(List(*Of *String)) Access(*Public)

Internal properties.

    DclFld LastError Type(System.Exception) Access(*Public) 
    DclFld SendAttempts Type(*Integer4) 
    DclFld MSWaitBetweenAttempts Type(*Integer4) Access(*Public) 

    DclConst RESEND_ATTEMPTS Value(3)
    DclConst MS_BETWEEN_RESEND_ATTEMPT Value(3000)


    BegConstructor Access(*Public)

Set initial property values.


Set defaults

        *This.IsImportant = *False 
        *This.IsHtml= *False

Create empty lists

        *This.To = *New List(*Of *String)()
        *This.CC = *New List(*Of *String)()
        *This.BCC = *New List(*Of *String)()
        *This.Attachments = *New List(*Of *String)()

Max attempts to resend email.

        *This.SendAttempts = RESEND_ATTEMPTS

Wait in milliseconds between send attempts.

        *This.MSWaitBetweenAttempts = MS_BETWEEN_RESEND_ATTEMPT

AssignEmailAddress method

Assign email addresses from the List(*Of *Strings) value to the object the email client uses. In this case, the System.Net.Mail.MailMessage expects email addresses (To, CC, and BCC) to be of type MailAddressCollection.

    BegSr AssignEmailAddresses
        DclSrParm Target Type(MailAddressCollection)
        DclSrParm Source Type(List(*Of String))

        ForEach EmailAddress Type(*String) Collection(Source) 

Send method

    BegFunc Send Access(*Public) Type(*Boolean) 
        DclFld MailObj   Type(SmtpClient) 
        DclFld MyMessage Type(MailMessage) New()

Resist the urge to hardcode these values. It’s much better to pull these property values in from App.Config or Web.Config or some other external store. See the note on appSettings at the end of this code.

        *This.SMTPServer    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["smtp-server"]
        *This.User          = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["smtp-user"]
        *This.Password      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["smtp-password"]
        *This.From          = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["from-address"]
        *This.SmtpPort      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["smtp-port"]
        *This.IsHtml        = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["send-as-html"] = "true"
        *This.EnableSsl     = *True 

        DclFld AttemptCounter Type(*Integer4)

Instance new SmtpClient object.

        MailObj = *New SmtpClient(*This.SMTPServer, *This.SmtpPort)

Enable SSL.

        MailObj.EnableSsl = *This.EnableSsl

Default is HTML email.

        MyMessage.IsBodyHtml = *This.IsHtml

Assign From address, Subject, and Body.

        MyMessage.From    = *New MailAddress(*This.From)
        MyMessage.Subject = *This.Subject
        MyMessage.Body    = *This.Body

Assign email addresses.

        AssignEmailAddresses(MyMessage.To, *This.To) 
        AssignEmailAddresses(MyMessage.CC, *This.CC) 
        AssignEmailAddresses(MyMessage.BCC, *This.BCC)

Set important flag.

        If *This.IsImportant
           MyMessage.Priority = System.Net.Mail.MailPriority.High

Assign sender credentials

        If (*This.User <> *Nothing AND *This.Password <> *Nothing)         
            MailObj.UseDefaultCredentials = *False
            MailObj.Credentials = *New System.Net.NetworkCredential(*This.User, *This.Password) 

Add attachments is present.

        If *This.Attachments.Count > 0
            ForEach FileName Type(*String) Collection(*This.Attachments)

If attachment not found, bail out.

                If NOT File.Exists(FileName) 
                    *This.LastError = *New ArgumentException(String.Format('File attachment [{0}] not found', FileName)) 
                    LeaveSr *False 
                MyMessage.Attachments.Add(*New System.Net.Mail.Attachment(FileName))

Attempt to send email.

        For Index(AttemptCounter=1) To(*This.SendAttempts) 
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format('Attempt #{0}', AttemptCounter))

Wait before sending if not first send attempt.

            If AttemptCounter <> 1
                Sleep Interval(*This.MSWaitBetweenAttempts) 

Send email.

                LeaveSr *True 
            Catch Ex Type(System.Exception)

If max send attempts reached, bail out.

                If AttemptCounter = *This.SendAttempts

This exception is available to the caller in the LastError property.

                    *This.LastError = Ex
                    LeaveSr *False 

        LeaveSr *False 
